All New Email Templates in Time for the Holidays!
The GroupFire system has a wide array of built in system emails covering everything from onboarding emails to events, announcements, group posts, messages, notifications.. well, as I said, everything!
All emails have been completely revamped for 2020 with a newly updated and fresh design. In addition to the new design formats we’ve vastly increased the amount of control you have over the color palette.
Let’s talk specifics. First, a quick review of the list of emails your system autogenerates for you. The list is extensive!
- Announcements
- Events
- Event Recaps
- Group Posts
- Chat Messages
- Reminders
- Communications / Notes
- Invoices
- Onboarding
- Pending Approvals
- Forgotten Password
- Event Registration Approved
- and 15 more!
Match Your Branding:
Along with the new formatting changes we’ve added a total of 16 design items. You can get down in the details. Here’s the list - direct screenshot from the control panel:

We’ve got a fancy color picker and theme saver. Easily switch from theme to theme! Have fun easily tweaking and get your brand perfectly lined up.
Template editing:
As a reminder, all of your templates can be edited to add your own design and flavor. Want to add a holiday reminder to all of your system emails? Easy peasy! Want to personalize all of your announcements with your members.... names? Easily done with our variables!
Okay, off you go! Enjoy your new, modern email templates!